Sleep After 50: Why We Need It and How to Get It!

This episode is all about sleep, why we need it and how we can get it.

Here’s what we will talk about…

Sleep issues for women become more common and worsen during menopause.

A study from the National Sleep Foundation found that as many as 61% of postmenopausal women report insomnia symptoms.

Research from Centers for Disease Control and American Heart Association found that individuals who sleep less than six hours per night are at a higher risk for developing chronic conditions. 

What is enough sleep?  Somewhere between 7.5 – 9 hours is ideal.

What we can do to improve our sleep?

  • Develop a bedtime routine
  • Maintain a regular sleep schedule to help your circadian rhythm
  • Keep your bedroom dark and comfortably cool
  • Turn off all devices
  • Avoid caffeine, and alcohol, especially in the late afternoon and early evening
  • Get some exercise during the day
  • Reduce stress as much as possible
  • Maintain a healthy weight and diet

Feel free to tell send me feedback or topics you would like me to talk about.

Sweet Dreams!!